Perennials beginning with: A | B | C | D | D | E | F | G | H | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | S | T | V | complete list
Bear’s breeches is a unique perennial with large, architectural leaves. They are deep green and extremely glossy. Strong plants make long, erect stems with pinkish flowers at the end of summer. It is evergreen in milder parts of Europe.
Acanthus is popular in the Mediterranean where ...
Terracotta is a typical Mediterranean pot material. Translated literally it means “baked soil” and looking at this yarrow it is clear to understand why its breeder chose this name.
Terracotta yarrow produces ...
Skysail Yellow is a yarrow variety from the Skysail series brought by the Dutch company Dümmen Orange. It makes bright yellow flowers that turn beige to pale orange as they mature while the centres remain deep yellow. It be ...
Yarrow is a maintenance-free perennial suitable for standard flower beds as well as dry locations and rockeries. Fern-like leaves are fine and deep green, basal leaves are larger than stem leaves. Flowers come out in flat corymbs in early summer. They are brick orange-red with tiny yellowish- ...
MILLY ROCK™ ROSE yarrow makes pastel rosy red flowers with yellow centres composed in almost flat corymbs atop about 30-40 cm tall stems. Flowering begins in June and continues until late August. Fern-like leaves are ...
MILLY ROCK™ YELLOW TERRACOTTA yarrow makes attractive flowers combining brick orange-red and pastel yellow colours. They are composed in almost flat corymbs atop about 30-40 cm tall stems. Flowering begins in June and ...
Album is a unique monkshood variety with purely white flowers hiding a whorl of yellow green stamens inside something that does look like a hood of a monk's coat. They are formed in erect racemes on stems that can be 1.5 ta ...
Brunette is a popular, compact variety of bugbane with deep burgundy brown or almost black, 30-50 cm across leaves. They are 3-ternate-pinnate, with palmate, lobed, sharply toothed basal leaves. In late summer rise slender, ...
James Compton is a dark-leaved variety of bugbane with deep burgundy brown or almost black, 30-70 cm across leaves. They are 3-ternate-pinnate, with palmate, lobed, sharply toothed basal leaves. In late summer rise up slend ...
Pink Spike is a dark-leaved variety of bugbane with deep maroon to almost black, large leaves. They are 3-ternate-pinnate, with palmate, lobed, sharply toothed basal leaves. It is very attractive when new, bright green leav ...
Unlike most of other African blue lilies which are blue this gem shows off with its pure white flowers. They are trumpet-shaped, composed in rich umbels and appear at the tips of about 60-80 cm long, sturdy stems. Strap-like leaves are about 2-3 cm wide, mid green. Blooming time begins with h ...
Millenium is a beautiful variety of ornamental onion with about 30 cm tall, strong stems atop which appear 4-5 cm wide flower heads composed of numerous rich lilac pink, slightly fragrant flowers. They open from early July ...
Ostara is a unique variety of ornamental onion. It is an interspecific hybrid between the low-growing species a. karataviense and purple-flowered species a. atropurpureum. The result is a beautiful variety with large, broad ...
Summer Drummer is a fantastic variety of ornamental onion, one of the tallest available who size can only compete with a. giganteum, i.e., a spring flowering species. But Summer Drummer has an important benefit – it i ...
"Andrea Atkinson" is a later variety of anemone. It has 60-80 cm long stalks with snow-white camellia-like flowers with distinct yellow stamens. It starts blooming at the end of summer and continues until October. 3-palmate basal leaves are mid to dark green, sharply toothed, sparsely hairy beneath. ...
Honorine Jobert is a late variety of Japanese anemone. It produces 2-3 cm wide snow-white flowers with deep yellow centres of stamens from end August until the last warm days of autumn. The stalks are about 1 meter tall, well-branched. Basal leaves are deciduous, palmate, mid gr ...
Prinz Heinrich is a Japanese anemone bred by Lindner already in 1902. It produces large, single flowers with long and narrow petals which can be visibly separated from one another or they may overlap. Centres are decorated ...
Splendens is a medium-sized Japanese anemone. From early to mid August it makes a profusion of pale pastel pink, single flowers atop strong, dark stems which resist wind and rain. Flowers have 5 petals of uneven depth of pi ...
"Bressingham Glow" is a later variety of anemone. It is true to its name because anemos (from Greek) means wind - probably because this type flowers in the season of autumn winds. It has 60-80 cm long stalks with ox-daisy-like deep pink semi-double flowers with bright yellow centres. It starts bloom ...
Giant angelica is a bold-leaved perennial with very unusual flowers. They are formed in deep purple-red umbels, borne on 1.5-1.8m tall, strong stems, and appear from late July until early September. Leaves are large, divided in the manner that they look like palmat ...
WINKY series of columbine comprises of strong varieties of several colors. They form compact and symmetrical clumps which look like precisely hand-tied bouquets. WINKY Red White pro ...
Ballerina Red is a great thrift variety from the Ballerina series with large, globular flower heads composed of rosy red flowers. Flowers are produced continuously from April till June atop strong, 20-30 cm tall stems. Ever ...
Sweet Dreams armeria bears clear pink flowers composed in 3-4 cm wide, spherical flowerheads atop sturdy, 15-20 cm tall, leafless stems. The inflorescence resembles ornamental onion flowers but without any scent. They bloom ...
Powis Castle is an English variety of wormwood that is also called Brass Band. It is most likely a spontaneous hybrid between the species a. arborescens and a. absinthium from the Middle East where wormwoods willingly hybri ...
Lords-and-ladies is an old favourite among tuberous plants. And as you can tell by the Latin name, it does not come from Bangladesh though it looks rather exotic.
The arrow-shaped leaves are very attractive, marbled green with conspicuous creamy white or yellowish veins. They are popular f ...
White Beauty is a recently introduced new trade name for what was formerly botanically described as Albus. It is a spring flowering variety of Alpine aster with plenty of pure white ray florets and yellow discs. Stems are 2 ...
Darwin’s Snow Sprite is a dwarf astilbe from the simplicifolia group. It makes delicate, almost fern-like, elegantly incised at margins, deep green and highly glossy leaves. They are deciduous and emerge bronze tinged ...
Little Vision In Pink is a dwarf astilbe with dense and congested inflorescence of clear pink colour. Its strong stems grow only some 30 cm tall which is unusual for a Chinese astilbe hybrid. It forms compact tufts with lot ...
Montgomery is a japonica hybrid astilbe awarded AGM (Award of Garden Merit) by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). It produces rich raspberry red flowers in erect, triangular inflorescence from late June until midsummer. ...
If you love astilbe there is a variety you should not miss. It is called Sprite and belongs to simplicifolia group with dissected leaves. Sprite is a dwarf perennial with med ...
Washington astilbe is as iconic as the White House in the US capital of the same name (plus the D.C., obviously). Elegant yet ostentatious, tall enough not to be overlooked but not so much to overshadow its surroundings, an ...
YOUNIQUE™ is a trade name of a new astilbe series from the Netherlands. Plants from this series excel in abundant flowering and healthy foliage. YOUNIQUE™ CERISE is a va ...
YOUNIQUE™ is a trade name of a new astilbe series from the Netherlands. Plants from this series excel in abundant flowering and healthy foliage. YOUNIQUE™ LILAC is a variety from 2008, bred by Jan Verscho ...
YOUNIQUE™ is a trade name of a new astilbe series from the Netherlands. Plants from this series excel in abundant flowering and healthy foliage. They are a cross between a.arendsii and a.japonica, bred by Jan Verschoo ...
Spotlight astilbe does deserve its name. It is a spectacular variety with soft pink flowers that stand proudly above handsome, dark green, maroon-flushed leaves. They are deciduous, glossy, distinctly serrated at margins, a ...
Burgundy Manor is a deeply coloured great masterwort variety from England where it was bred and introduced by Gill Richardson in 2008. It is a medium-tall perennial with deep maroon flowers. Paradoxically, the most striking ...
Gold dust is a low growing, mat forming perennial not just for rockeries or dry walls. It produces masses of panicles with rich yellow flowers on thin but sturdy, 20-25 cm tall stems. Flowers come out from mid spring, usually early May and continue flowering for 3- ...