Summer blooms
Summer blooms beginning with: A | B | C | C | D | D | E | F | G | H | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | complete list
This perennial peony has a name which often gets misspelled with so many h’s and r’s. It is a beautiful variety forming a robust bush, freely flowering from end June until July. The flower heads are extra large, composed of many rosy pink petals with ruffled, silvery margins. It i ...
Blue Spire is a hybrid between two types of perovskia. It was first introduced to RHS in 1961 and since late 80´s it has been in cultivation in most of the world with mild climate. It is a very hardy plant originally found in Central Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan) but is successfu ...
LACEY BLUE perovskia is a fantastic plant offering an extremely long time of attractivity. It bears profusion of deep indigo-blue flowers that open up from hairy, violet buds. These buds appear from early summer and take quite some time before they let the f ...
Little Spire is a lovely dwarf variety of Russian sage. It is a very hardy plant originally found in Central Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan) but it is successfully grown even further north.
Flowers are borne in 50-60 cm tall panicles, they are violet and appear from mid-summer ...
Mock orange is a reliable and absolutely maintenance-free shrub of old European gardens. It is popular for its snow white flowers, in case of this hybrid they are medium-sized or large with slight purple shade in the centre. They come out in early or mid summer and release heavy fragrance tha ...
Mont Blanc is a reliable variety among dwarf mock oranges. From early summer it produces masses of pure white, cross-shaped, fragrant flowers. It forms a compact, rather small but dense shrub reaching only about one meter t ...
Laura is a market name for a perennial phlox originally named Uspech. It produces numerous flowers composed in terminal panicles for an extremely long period: July until October. The flowers are fuchsia-purple with a large ...
Vivid is one of the richest pink obedient plant varieties producing strictly upright, non-falling, square stems with 10-15 cm long spikes of 4 rows of funnel-shaped flowers. They are pure pink with purple pink veins which m ...
Balloon flower is another showy perennial with violet-blue flowers in summer. They are bell-shaped with 5 petals opening wide, growing on tops of 20-25 tall stems. Buds are large, balloon-shaped.
Leaves are toothed at margins, green or bluish green and emerge very late. We recommend marki ...
Goldteppich is a cinquefoil variety with deep yellow flowers that look large against the background of small, mid green, deciduous leaves. It grows as a low, prostrate shrub, suitable for small gardens, too, or along pathways, and in between taller shrubs or trees.
Cinquefoi ...