Summer blooms
Summer blooms beginning with: A | B | C | C | D | D | E | F | G | H | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | complete list
SpinTop is a new blanket flower series from Dutch company Dümmen Orange® introduced to market after 2015. SpinTop Red is a variety with rich red, daisy-like, medium large flowe ...
SpinTop is a new blanket flower series from Dutch company Dümmen Orange® introduced to market after 2015. SpinTop Starburst is a work of art, indeed. Its colour combination may sound boring as red and yellow has been h ...
SpinTop is a new blanket flower series from Dutch company Dümmen Orange® introduced to market after 2015. SpinTop Yellow Touch left me breathless when I first saw its ingenious ...
Poetry comes alive when this gaura begins to bloom. Like a flock of tiny white butterflies chasing one another among thin stems when the sun is high and hot. The breeder must have seen the resemblance, too, which is why it was named Whirl ...
Gaura is a typical example of a plant that deserves its price should it come in any pot size. It is a perennial with extra long bloom season and requiring little or no care. Geyser Pink variety forms a compact, airy bush with mid green, small leaves at the ground level and up to ...
LUIS EASY BLUE is classified as a variety of autumn gentian (g. scabra) which commonly starts blooming in August. However, the breeder himself admits that the male parent of his hybridization was an unknown species which re ...
Totally Tangerine is a hybrid Chilean avens from Timothy Crowther from USA who in 1999 crossbred Mrs. Bradshaw avens with rich red flowers and geum rivale. The result is a sterile variety with handsome tangerine orange, sin ...
FIERY TEMPEST® is the third addition to the Tempest series of avens bred by Elizabeth MacGregor from Scotland in order to achieve vigorous plants with extended flowering season and large flowers. Its flowers are about ...
Avens is a pretty perennial whose wild forms can be found on every continent except Australia. Mrs. J.Bradshaw, formerly known as Feuerball, is a hybrid of geum chiloense with small but attractive, scarlet red, semi-double ...