Evergreen broadleaf
Evergreen broadleaf beginning with: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | Y | complete list
Angustifolia is a botanical term used for plants that have narrow leaves. In case of this variety of David viburnum the leaves are about 50% narrower but darker green compared to the species. They are evergreen, partly glos ...
Eve Price laurustinus is truly a classic today. Its evergreen leaves are up to 8 cm long, ovate, leathery but thinner than most evergreens, medium to dark green, and with conspicuous venation. In autumn it produces a profus ...
Lisspurp is a laurustinus variety selected by Peter Catt from Liss Forest Nursery Ltd in England, and European patent No. 36963 was granted in 2014. It received a trade name SECRET VILLAGE< ...
Hybrid leatherleaf viburnum rose spontaneously from seedlings of viburnum lantana which was pollinated by viburnum rhytidophyllum grown nearby. O ...