Evergreen broadleaf
Evergreen broadleaf beginning with: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | Y | complete list
Holm oakis a natural species, not a hybrid despite two specific names in its Latin title. Integrifolia is one of its few selections first described in 1836. Its evergreen, leathery leaves are spineless with less conspicuous ...
Bamboo-leaf oak, or sometimes also called Chinese evergreen oak is a rare evergreen tree that is not widely used in cultivation in Europe which is a great pity. It has evergreen, bamboo-like, lance-shaped, narrow leaves that emerge bronze-purple and mature to a dark green. Compared to cherry ...
Pseudoturneri is a later variety of Turners oak. Its leaves are very similar to common oak, mid green, shallowly lobed and partly glossy. Compared to its hybrid parent it is a little smaller, hardier, and holds its leaves more reliably over the winter. Still, some leaves may fal ...