Evergreen broadleaf
Evergreen broadleaf beginning with: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | Y | complete list
Aurantiacus, sometimes also called simply rubra, is a valued selected form of sweet olive which offers perhaps the strongest scented flowers. They are small, rich orange and their perfume also resembles orange zest and tang ...
This unique sweet olive is a mid-sized or large, well-branched shrub with thin, flexible twigs which withstand heavy, wet snow without breaking. Its evergreen leaves are leathery, oblong-lance-shaped, medium to dark green, not very glossy, but exceptionally large: ...
Holly osmanthus or false holly is a taxon of evergreen shrubs and small trees native to East Asia, southern Japan, and Taiwan. The species bears evergreen, leathery, dark green, highly glossy, and thorny leaves, which resemble hollies, but something seems to be wro ...
This osmanthus has elegantly varigated leaves which look similar to holies but are smaller. The leaves are spiny but not as sharp as on common hollies. The varigation is creamy white on pale green background, new growth is pink. To maintain a compact shape we recommend cutting it 1-2x a year. First, ...
Burkwood's sweet olive is a garden hybrid between Chinese osmanthus delavayi and Turkish osmanthus decorus. It is more beautiful and tougher than either of its parents. It boasts dense habit, profuse flowering, and handsome foliage. Evergreen leaves a ...
Fortune's osmanthus is a cross between o.heterophyllus (small, very spiny leaves) and o.fragrans (large, entire leaves). It was first brought from Japan to Europe to Holland Philipp Franz von Siebold in 1856. Over the years its name has developed from osmanthus aq ...