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Pink blueberries, now commonly called Pinkberry® are a modern attraction of early 2000's. The first plant was achieved by American breeder Mark Ehlenfeldt from Agricultural Research Service (ARS), who in 1991 crossed rabbit ...
Slender vervain is a South American perennial from Brasil and Argentina which is cultivated in temperate parts of the world as a self-seeding annual. It usually germinates only when the weather has turned really hot which is mid to late June in Central Europe and s ...
Eveline is a new variety of speedwell from the Netherlands patented in 2003. It produces attractive, approximately 30 cm tall spikes of rich lilac to violet flowers from early summer. If regularly deadheaded it can continue ...
Ulster Blue Dwarf is a compact variety of speedwell. It has fascinating spikes of deep violet to indigo blue flowers on 20-30 cm tall stems. The spikes remain beautiful for a long time without fading leaving the tips green. ...
Tissington White is an award-winning variety of gentian speedwell from Derbyshire, U.K., introduced in 1991. It bears large, nearly white flowers with attractive deep violet veins, formed in erect, spiked inflorescence on a ...
ANNIVERSARY BLUE is a winning selection of speedwell bred by German branch of Dutch breeding company Florensis B.V., in Quedlinburg. It boasts rich indigo blue flowers composed in slim, erect spikes from late June until ear ...
ANNIVERSARY ROSE is a winning selection of speedwell bred by German branch of Dutch breeding company Florensis B.V., in Quedlinburg. It boasts pastel pink flowers composed in slim, erect spikes from late June until early au ...
ROYAL CANDLES® is a spiked speedwell variety which was found as natural mutation by Heather Philpott among other veronica spicata plants in Detlink, Kent, UK in 1987. It is distinguished by deep violet, dense spikes of ...
How poetic to call a flower First Love®! This speedwell was named just like that and no wonder. Its neony rich purple pink spikes shine through the garden from early morning until late evening with lasting intensity. I ...
Apollo is a variety with pale blue flowers where the inflorescences are produced well above foliage level. The plant has more compact habit compared to the species and it stems seldom exceed 1m tall. Individual flowers are tubular and decorated with long whi ...
Cinnamon-leaved viburnum is a beautiful evergreen shrub that was discovered in China by Ernest H.Wilson in early 20th century and brought to the USA in 1905. It is very similar to David’s viburnum but la ...
Angustifolia is a botanical term used for plants that have narrow leaves. In case of this variety of David viburnum the leaves are about 50% narrower but darker green compared to the species. They are evergreen, partly glos ...
Fragrant viburnum species can make a substantial shrub, however, December Dwarf is only about half its size - about 1.5m tall and a bit less wide. It was bred in Dutch nursery town Boskoop in 1982. Its flowers are small, tu ...
Cranberrybush is a low shrub offering three interesting features. The first of them, obviously, is the profusion of flowers in late spring. They are almost flat panicles composed of both sterile and fertile flowers that are followed by super-attractive vivid red, glossy berries from mid-summe ...
Mariesii is an architectural shrub with 100% horizontal, tiered branches and profusion of flowers in late spring. It is a variety of Japanese snowball bush with pure white flowers, composed in umbrella-shaped terminal panic ...
Lisspurp is a laurustinus variety selected by Peter Catt from Liss Forest Nursery Ltd in England, and European patent No. 36963 was granted in 2014. It received a trade name SECRET VILLAGE< ...
Charles Lamont is a Bodnant viburnum producing numerous sweetly scented flowers in warm periods of winter, and most profusely from March till April. The flowers are narrowly tubular, pink flushed to almost white, opening fr ...
Dawn is a Bodnant viburnum variety with deep pink flowers when young, maturing to light pink, borne in terminal and axillary clusters on bare wood. Their most attractive feature is heavy, but nice, sweet perfume which is strongest on warm and sunny days. It brings the feeling of forthcoming spring.
Burkwood viburnum is a garden hybrid between v.carlesii and v.utile made in England in 1924. It belongs to the most fragrant viburnums whose flowers people can smell from a distance of 7 or even 8 meters. Small, intensely sweetly scented, tubular flow ...
FLIP SIDE™ is a showy variety of hybrid chaste tree that was developed in 2012 by American botanist Michael Dirr in collaboration with two other breeders, Rhonda Helvick and Oren McBee of Bailey Nurseries in Watkinsvi ...
DELTA BLUES™ is an American chaste tree variety bred and selected by Matthew Dirr from the University of Georgia, son of a famous horticulturist Michael A. Dirr, Ph.D. It differs from the species by a more compact gro ...
Latifolia is a large-leaved version of chaste tree. Botanically not a variety, just a selection of the species, still, I can see that it is the most sought-after chaste tree today. It is easily distinguished by both larger ...
This grape vine is one of the best I ever had the pleasure of growing in our conditions. Very sweet and tasty with a Muscat aroma. It is relatively new but already a proven favourite in Europe.
Bianca is good for wine as well as a table wine. The colour of grapes is light gre ...
Lakemont or Lakemont Seedless is an excellent tasting variety of seedless grape vine. It produces large bundles of small to medium-sized fruit maturing to yellow colour in late September. The taste is very sweet, alm ...
Regent is a grape vine variety which already belongs among most popular European varieties used for wine making. It is an interspecific cross between varieties Diana and Chambourcin from 1967, developed in Germany. It forms ...
Romeo is less known but excellent and very tasty variety of dark blue grape wine. It produces large, elongated clusters of mid-sized berries from late September until mid to late October. They are very sweet and aromatic, o ...
Vanessa is a highly popular seedless table grapevine variety from Canada from 1986. It is sought-after not only for its hardiness but mainly for its excellent taste. The grapes are mid-sized to large bearing rounded to oval ...
Professional substrate for ericaceous plants is an excellent mixture designed for plants that love or need acidic soil reaction. This substrate consists of exact ratio of peat, finely crushed bark, and fine-grained sand which imitates natural habitat of these plants in the wild. It is enriched with ...