ON-LINE order
GIFT VOUCHERS - They a great way of giving somebody a gift that will perfectly suit his or her taste. They can be spent on plants both in our garden centre or ordering on-line. Your friend can then freely choose exactly what he or she likes and you are off the hook as far as making a wrong choice. They are available in these values: 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 CZK. THEY ARE PRIMARILY MEANT AS GIFTS AND NO DISCOUNT CAN BE APPLIED TO THEM. We can send printed hard copies to you in an envelope or issue them electronically. However, if sent in an envelope, please account for a postage fee (according to the destination).
SMART CREDIT - This is something you buy for yourself and is useful especially when a winter sale is announced, as it allows you to prepay a certain amount with the current discount, which is usually higher than you would get with a bulk discount. It has an advantage - its use is not time-limited. You don't receive any printed vouchers, but an electronic confirmation protected by a PIN, which we will ask for when you pay.