Catalogue for current season

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Here you will find the entire catalogue of plants available this gardening season, and always at the top we show new arrivals. Displaying our catalogue here rather than producing its printed form has many advantages. Above all, it is a quick source of up-to-date information of what has been added recently, or sold out on the other hand. And it saves our forests not having to cut down trees to produce paper on which something of a limited time-spell like a one-season catalogue will be presented. New plants are being added continuously, showing the date of addition so you can easily check what's new since you last visited.

Ordering is easy - just look up your favourite plant, fill in the quantity, add to basket, and continue with your shipping data. Once you have sent your order in we will process it and send you back a confirmation with its number. Using this order number for any future orders until the dispatch of goods will make sure that all your orderings will be accumulated into one under one order number.

The default setting of this page displays goods chronologically as they were added. If you wish to show all plants in alphabetical order just click the “SORT ALPHABETICALLY” button. Enjoy browsing and shopping! :-)

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Sarcococca saligna
height 30 cm359 Kč
added: 06.03.2025
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Nandina domestica
height 20-30 cm470 Kč
height 20 cm499 Kč
added: 05.03.2025
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Osmanthus heterophyllus (var. tricolor)
height 20-30 cm379 Kč
&width 20-30 cm730 Kč
height 40-60 cm1190 Kč
added: 05.03.2025
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Osmanthus heterophyllus
height 20-30 cm379 Kč
height 125-150 cm5530 Kč
added: 05.03.2025
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Photinia glabra 'Parsur'
height 30-40 cm995 Kč
added: 05.03.2025
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Photinia x fraseri 'Cassini'
height 20-30 cm740 Kč
height 125-150 cm3300 Kč
added: 05.03.2025
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Photinia x fraseri 'McLarlou'
height 25-30 cm299 Kč
height 60-70 cm640 Kč
height 80-100 cm1450 Kč
added: 05.03.2025
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Pieris taiwanensis (syn. p. japonica)
height 30-40 cm430 Kč
height 40-50 cm1690 Kč
added: 05.03.2025
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LARGE PLANTS over 150 cmspecimens, screening and hedging shrubs

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